In this section, we include links to CMHL recordings of webinars, forum sessions, and other presentations. They are contained chronologically within each topic area below.

  • Topic 1: Family-inclusive practice
  • Topic 2: Clinical supervision 
  • Topic 3: Service information sessions
  • Topic 4: Enrolled nursing topics 
  • Topic 5: Physical health
  • Topic 6: Training for teaching
  • Topic 7: NDIS series
  • Topic 8: Other

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Session Date

Clinical Supervision for Mental Health Nurses Framework Implementation #1 Organisational Readiness

Video duration: 1:10:46
Safer Care Victoria

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Session Date

PDAS - AOD Pharmaceutical Treatment Options

This event was designed to provide attendees with an overview of AOD Pharmceutical Treatment options:

  • Opoid substitution / replacement therapy i.e. suboxone, methadone, long-acting injectable buprenorphine (Buvidal, Sublocade)
  • Overview of anti-craving meds for alcohol-use disorders
  • Summary of medication management for different types of withdrawal (GHB, cannabis, EtOH, opioids)
  • Take-home naloxone programs
  • Scope and work of the Psychotropic Drug Advisory Service (PDAS)
  • Summary of relevant medicines information and resources available for patients, carers, families and clinicians to support and optimise medicines use in mental health and AOD
Video duration: 51:32
Viandro Borja, Lead Pharmacist - Alfred Mental & Addiction Health
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Session Date

MHCC Information Session 3: It's Ok to Complain Campaign Launch

In support of the work that MHCC is conducting in collaboration with Victoria's public mental health services to drive a positive complaints culture, The MHCC will be launching the 'It's OK to complain!' campaign in February 2022.

This session highlights how the campaign has been designed in consultation with services, and those with lived experience, to address the stigma around speaking up and making a complaint in the public mental health system. It also discusses campaign promotional material including posters, postcards, videos and social media content to engage with staff, consumers and carers from a range of backgrounds. These materials will be distributed to services across Victoria to raise awareness and tackle stigma, in recognition that complaints are an important part of continuous service improvement as we reform our mental health system.

Video duration: 30:41
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Session Date

MHCC Information Session 1: MHCC Complaints Process

The Mental Health Complaints Commission joined CMHL for an information session on how to engage in a better complaints process as we work towards establishing a positive complaints culture in Victoria's public mental health system.
This session took attendees through the complaints process at MHCC, including the legislative framework and the process stages from the time MHCC receive a verbal or written complaint, until the complaint is closed.

Video duration: 55:39

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Session Date

Diet, Physical Health & Mental Health - The Role of the Mediterranean Diet

This webinar provided up-to-date evidence on the Mediterranean diet, its role in depression, chronic disease prevention, and treatment. Attendees were provided with practical tips they can apply in their own lives and recommendations they can make to service users.

Video duration: 58:15
Jacinta Sherlock, Senior Dietitian - North West Area Mental Health
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Diabetes & Mental Health

The session was an overall introduction to Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. It explored the use of long and short acting insulin.  The presentation looked at diabetes with co-occurring mental illness and the importance of metabolic monitoring, the relationship between diabetes and psychotropic medication and the relationship between diabetes and eating disorders.

Video duration: 57:55
Lin Chen - Austin Health
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Session Date

Weight and Stigma

This webinar will assist the mental health workforce in understanding how stigma can impact on the physical health and wellbeing of people with lived experience of emotional distress. It will also provide practical guidance on how the mental health workforce can work to reduce stigma and offer supportive environments to support people accessing health care to have positive interactions to support and enhance their wellbeing.

Video duration: 46:52
Jacinta Sherlock, Senior Dietitian - North West Area Mental Health

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Session Date

Successful online training - Orygen clinical training 2020 experience

Craig McNeil from CMHL provides tips on how to successfully deliver online training based on experiences from delivering training at Orygen Youth Mental Health. Phoebe Williamson steps through how to use mentimeter in online training.

Video duration: 39:45
Craig McNeil, Orygen; Phoebe Williamson, OT Educator - CMHL