Upcoming events

19 Jun

Topic: PHN Multicultural Health Framework: A national approach to cultural responsiveness Speakers: Andrea Vancia, Cultural Diversity Program Manager...

25 Jun

The VDDS will present a case that illustrates some of the difficulties in the assessment and management of people with intellectual disability. which...

09 Jul

The aim of the webinar is to understand the difficulties in the assessment of people with intellectual disability and to think about how these can be...

Other learning opportunities

On request training

Practical ways for mental health workers to align everyday practice with the human rights principles that underpin supported decision-making...


The rights and responsibilities of citizenship are available to all members of our society. Many people who experience mental illness or have had...


In mental health services, the consumer's right to privacy and the practitioner's promise to maintain confidentiality is the cornerstone of the...

Related resources

Improving sexual safety in mental health and wellbeing services

This Chief Psychiatrist’s guideline sets out the relevant legislation and policy and establishes minimum standards for, promoting sexual safety, supporting human rights, assessing and managing risks, identifying and responding to incidents, and reporting sexual safety incidents.

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Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 Handbook

This handbook provides information about the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 (the Act)The Act takes effect on 1 September 2023. It replaces the Mental Health Act 2014 as the key Victorian legislation covering mental health and wellbeing treatment and support.

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Mental Health and Wellbeing Bill 2022

The Mental Health and Wellbeing act and explanatory notes as read in parliament 23/06/2022. This new bill is set to replace the Mental Health Act of 2014. 

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