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The training is presented by a multidisciplinary specialist autism and neurodevelopmental assessment teams from a range of Victorian Infant, Child & Youth Mental Health Services.

This online training aims to provide a comprehensive grounding in the complexities of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) assessment. Following the training you should be able to identify autism in the clients you see and refer appropriately for further assessment. Alternatively, you may wish to enroll in further training in autism assessment such as ADOS-2 or ADI-R.

This event will cover:

  • Case assessments: Preschool, School-Aged and Adolescent
  • Taking a neurodevelopmental history
  • Formulation of complex cases
  • Formulation of complex cases
  • Differential diagnosis and co-occurring mental health conditions
  • Guidelines for providing feedback to families and report writing

Eligibility criteria

This training is designed for psychologists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, paediatricians, advanced trainees in child & adolescent psychiatry, CYMHS/CAMHS/ICYMHS clinicians, Headspace clinicians and paediatric fellows.

Categories: Capability 9 - Delivering holistic and collaborative assessment and care planning, Working with infants, children, and younger persons
Disciplines: Allied Health, Medical, Nursing
Levels: Introductory
Lifespans: Infant, Child, Adolescent, Youth

Wednesday 21 August 2024
09:00 to 16:30
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Thursday 22 August 2024
09:00 to 16:30
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.

FREE limited places to Victorian CYMHS/CAMHS/ICYMHS and Orygen clinicians. Subsidised cost of $250 available to Victorian Take Two, headspace, ACCHO/ACCHS, and Victorian AMHS clinicians including Foresicare.

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Provided by Mindful
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